Poem of the day

by Thomas Campbell (1777-1844)

On Linden, when the sun was low,
All bloodless lay th’ untrodden snow;
And dark as winter was the flow
         Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

But Linden saw another sight,
When the drum beat, at dead of night,
Commanding fires of death to light
         The darkness of her scenery.

By torch and trumpet fast array’d
Each horseman drew his battle-blade,
And furious every charger neigh’d
         To join the dreadful revelry.

Then shook the hills with thunder riven,
Then rush’d the steed to battle driven,
And louder than the bolts of Heaven,
         Far flash’d the red artillery.

But redder yet that light shall glow
On Linden’s hills of stainèd snow;
And bloodier yet the torrent flow
         Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

’Tis morn, but scarce yon level sun
Can pierce the war-clouds, rolling dun,
Where furious Frank, and fiery Hun,
         Shout in their sulph’rous canopy.

The combat deepens. On, ye brave
Who rush to glory or the grave!
Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave,
         And charge with all thy chivalry!

Few, few shall part, where many meet!
The snow shall be their winding-sheet,
And every turf beneath their feet
         Shall be a soldier’s sepulcher.

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Poem of the day

Eros Turannos
by Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935)

She fears him, and will always ask
      What fated her to choose him;
She meets in his engaging mask
      All reasons to refuse him;
But what she meets and what she fears
Are less than are the downward years,
Drawn slowly to the foamless weirs
      Of age, were she to lose him.

Between a blurred sagacity
      That once had power to sound him,
And Love, that will not let him be
      The Judas that she found him,
Her pride assuages her almost,
As if it were alone the cost.—
He sees that he will not be lost,
      And waits and looks around him.

A sense of ocean and old trees
      Envelops and allures him;
Tradition, touching all he sees,
      Beguiles and reassures him;
And all her doubts of what he says
Are dimmed with what she knows of days—
Till even prejudice delays
      And fades, and she secures him.

The falling leaf inaugurates
      The reign of her confusion;
The pounding wave reverberates
      The dirge of her illusion;
And home, where passion lived and died,
Becomes a place where she can hide,
While all the town and harbor side
      Vibrate with her seclusion.

We tell you, tapping on our brows,
      The story as it should be,—
As if the story of a house
      Were told, or ever could be;
We’ll have no kindly veil between
Her visions and those we have seen,—
As if we guessed what hers have been,
      Or what they are or would be.

Meanwhile we do no harm; for they
      That with a god have striven,
Not hearing much of what we say,
      Take what the god has given;
Though like waves breaking it may be,
Or like a changed familiar tree,
Or like a stairway to the sea
      Where down the blind are driven.

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Poem of the day

by Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982)

Here in this inland garden
      Unrumorous of surf,
Here where the willows warden
      Only the sunny turf,

Here in the windy weather,
      Here where the lake wind lulls,
Slowly on silver feather
      Drift overhead the gulls.

O heart estranged of grieving
      What is a sea-bird’s wing?
What beauty past believing
      Are you remembering?

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Poem of the day

On Lucy, Countess of Bedford
by Ben Jonson (1572-1637)

This morning timely wrapt with holy fire,
I thought to form unto my zealous Muse,
What kind of creature I could most desire
To know, serve, and love, as Poets use.
I meant to make her fair, and free, and wise,
Of greatest blood, and yet more good than great;
I meant the day-star should not brighter rise,
Nor lend like influence from his lucent seat;
I meant she should be courteous, facile, sweet,
Hating that solemn vice of greatness, pride;
I meant each softest virtue there should meet,
Fit in that softer bosom to reside.
Only a learned, and a manly soul
I purposed her: that should with even powers,
The rock, the spindle, and the shears control
Of Destiny, and spin her own free hours.
Such when I meant to feign, and wished to see,
My Muse bade Bedford write, and that was she!

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Poem of the day

To the Stone-Cutters
by Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962)

Stone-cutters fighting time with marble, you foredefeated
Challengers of oblivion
Eat cynical earnings, knowing rock splits, records fall down,
The square-limbed Roman letters
Scale in the thaws, wear in the rain. The poet as well
Builds his monument mockingly;
For man will be blotted out, the blithe earth die, the brave sun
Die blind and blacken to the heart:
Yet stones have stood for a thousand years, and pained thoughts found
The honey of peace in old poems.

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Poem of the day

The Chambered Nautilus
by Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

This is the ship of pearl, which, poets feign,
               Sailed the unshadowed main,—
               The venturous bark that flings
On the sweet summer wind its purpled wings
In gulfs enchanted, where the Siren sings,
               And coral reefs lie bare,
Where the cold sea-maids rise to sun their streaming hair.

Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;
               Wrecked is the ship of pearl!
               And every chambered cell,
Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,
As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,
               Before thee lies revealed,—
Its irised ceiling rent, its sunless crypt unsealed!

Year after year beheld the silent toil
               That spread his lustrous coil;
               Still, as the spiral grew,
He left the past year’s dwelling for the new,
Stole with soft step its shining archway through,
               Built up its idle door,
Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more.

Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,
               Child of the wandering sea,
               Cast from her lap, forlorn!
From thy dead lips a clearer note is born
Than ever Triton blew from wreathèd horn!
               While on mine ear it rings,
Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:—

Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,
               As the swift seasons roll!
               Leave thy low-vaulted past!
Let each new temple, nobler than the last,
Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,
               Till thou at length art free,
Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea!

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Poem of the day

by Amado Nervo (1870-1919)

Como duerme la chispa en el guijarro
y la estatua en el barro,
en ti duerme la divinidad.
Tan sólo en un dolor constante y fuerte
al choque, brota de la piedra inerte
el relámpago de la deidad.
No te quejes, por tanto, del destino,
pues lo que en tu interior hay de divino
sólo surge merced a él.
Soporta, si es posible, sonriendo,
la vida que el artista va esculpiendo,
el duro choque del cincel.

Qué importan para ti las horas malas,
si cada hora en tus nacientes alas
pone una pluma bella más?
Ya verás al cóndor en plena altura,
ya verás concluida la escultura,
ya verás, alma, ya verás…

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Poem of the day

The Sweets of Evening
by Christopher Smart (1722-1771)

The sweets of Evening charm the mind,
      Sick of the sultry day;
The body then no more’s confin’d,
But exercise with freedom join’d,
      When Phoebus sheathes his ray.

The softer scenes of nature sooth
      The organs of our sight;
The Zephyrs fan the meadows smooth,
And on the brook we build the booth
      In pastoral delight.

While all-serene the summer moon
      Sends glances thro’ the trees,
And Philomel begins her tune,
Asteria too shall help her soon
      With voice of skilful ease.

A nosegay, every thing that grows,
      And music, every sound
To lull the sun to his repose;
The skies are coloured like the rose
      With lively streaks around.

Of all the changes rung by Time
      None half so sweet appear,
As those when thoughts themselves sublime,
And with superior natures chime
      In fancy’s highest sphere.

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Poem of the day

Love Lives Beyond the Tomb
by John Clare (1793-1864)

Love lives beyond
The tomb, the earth, which fades like dew-
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true.
Love lies in sleep,
The happiness of healthy dreams,
Eve’s dews may weep,
But love delightful seems.
‘Tis seen in flowers,
And in the even’s pearly dew
On earth’s green hours,
And in the heaven’s eternal blue.

’Tis heard in spring
When light and sunbeams, warm and kind,
On angels wing
Bring love and music to the wind.
And where is voice
So young, so beautiful, so sweet
As nature’s choice,
Where spring and lovers meet?
Love lies beyond
The tomb, the earth, the flowers, and dew.
I love the fond,
The faithful, young, and true.

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Poem of the day

A Gillyflower of Gold
by William Morris (1834-1896)

A golden gillyflower to-day
I wore upon my helm alway,
And won the prize of this tourney.
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

However well Sir Giles might sit,
His sun was weak to wither it,
Lord Miles’s blood was dew on it:
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Although my spear in splinters flew,
From John’s steel-coat my eye was true;
I wheel’d about, and cried for you,
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Yea, do not doubt my heart was good,
Though my sword flew like rotten wood,
To shout, although I scarcely stood,
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

My hand was steady too, to take
My axe from round my neck, and break
John’s steel-coat up for my love’s sake.
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

When I stood in my tent again,
Arming afresh, I felt a pain
Take hold of me, I was so fain—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

To hear: “Honneur aux fils des preux”
Right in my ears again, and shew
The gillyflower blossom’d new.
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

The Sieur Guillaume against me came,
His tabard bore three points of flame
From a red heart: with little blame—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Our tough spears crackled up like straw;
He was the first to turn and draw
His sword, that had nor speck nor flaw,—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

But I felt weaker than a maid,
And my brain, dizzied and afraid,
Within my helm a fierce tune play’d,—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Until I thought of your dear head,
Bow’d to the gillyflower bed,
The yellow flowers stain’d with red;—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Crash! how the swords met, “giroflée!”
The fierce tune in my helm would play,
“La belle! la belle! jaune giroflée!”
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

Once more the great swords met again,
“La belle! la belle!” but who fell then?
Le Sieur Guillaume, who struck down ten;—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

And as with mazed and unarm’d face,
Toward my own crown and the Queen’s place,
They led me at a gentle pace—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

I almost saw your quiet head
Bow’d o’er the gillyflower bed,
The yellow flowers stain’d with red—
      Hah! hah! la belle jaune giroflée.

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