The trouble with Fox News (from John Boehner)

“The reality that Boehner exposes is that following the 2008 election of Obama, something fundamentally changed at Fox News. It was no longer about pushing conservative policy solutions and young stars of the movement. Instead, the network became a fever swamp for internet trolls pushing every sort of conspiracy theory — from Benghazi to Obama’s citizenship.

“To Boehner’s critical point about how Fox skewed incentives within the GOP: No longer was the goal for most members of Congress (or those aspiring Republicans hoping to join their ranks) to accrue seniority and rise in the ranks of their preferred committee or even into House GOP leadership. Now the goal was to become a conservative pundit on Fox News — that was where the real power (and money if you decided to leave Congress) was.

“And the best way to get on Fox News as much as possible? Say the most outlandish and outrageous things possible. Fox viewers were ready to believe whatever the worst thing you could say about Obama or any of the Clintons. There was no bridge too far. And with ratings as the only goal, Ailes (with a major assist from Fox owner Rupert Murdoch) leaned in hard — vacating any sort of journalistic mission to tell people the truth about their government and politicians in favor of pandering to an audience that wanted to believe that any and every Democratic politician was evil.”

In an explosive excerpt from his forthcoming memoir, former House Speaker John Boehner calls Texas Sen. Ted Cruz a nasty name, refers to lots of Republicans elected in 2010 as “morons” and admits that President Barack Obama had little reason to find “common cause with people who think you are a secret Kenyan Muslim traitor to America.”

Views: 81

Fox News is culturally illiterate

Who would have guessed?

It looks like Fox News needs to brush up on its movie knowledge.During a story about the Seattle protests that aired live Friday night, Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum reported on a Reddit post she said was evidence of infighting among activists involved in the city?s so-called ?Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.? There was just one problem: The post was clearly a joke referencing one of the most famous scenes from the 1975 comedy classic ?Monty Python and the Holy Grail.?The post, added to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone subreddit by user ?Kasplorge,? says ?I didn?t vote for Raz. I thought we were an autonomous collective? An anachro-syndicalist commune at the least. We should take turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.??But of course all the decisions of that officer would have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of internal affairs, or a 2/3 majority in the case of more major issues,? the post continued. ?Raz can?t simply expect to wield supreme executive power just because someone threw a sword at him.?Also Read: John Cleese Pressures BBC to Restore 'Fawlty Towers' Episode Removed for Problematic Language to StreamingThe post paraphrases a scene mid-way through ?Holy Grail,? in which Graham Chapman?s King Arthur happens upon two peasants played by Terry Jones and Michael Palin, and discovers they?re actually members of ?an autonomous collective.??We?re an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week,? Palin?s character says as an exasperated King Arthur starts demanding he shut up. ?But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting. By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major issues.?Later in the scene, when the peasants ask why he gets to be king, Arthur tells them that the Lady of the Lake gave him the sword Excalibur. ?Well you can?t expect to wield supreme executive power just ?cause some watery tart threw a sword at you,? Palin?s character says in part.Also Read: White Woman Questions San Francisco Man Writing 'Black Lives Matter' on His Own Property (Video)As for Seattle and that Reddit post, ?Raz? refers to Rapper Raz Simone, who has declared himself to be the sheriff of the ?autonomous zone,? also called ?CHAZ,? and has apparently deputized other activists to search any unfamiliar people as they enter. It?s true that he?s been criticized by other members of the movement for these actions ? but as far as TheWrap knows, not by anachronistically leftist peasants from the time of King Arthur.Meanwhile, Kasplorg has been banned from the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone subreddit for the (very funny) joke.Fox News? Daily Caller Twitter page posted the segment June 12 and users were quick to point out the allusion to ?Monty Python.??She does know that the lines that she read comes directly from Monty Python ? search for the holy grail? Did Fox just get punked?,? one user asked.Also Read: White Woman Questions San Francisco Man Writing 'Black Lives Matter' on His Own Property (Video)?Fox News quotes a post from Reddit, quoting Monty Python, then the Daily Caller tweets the Fox video. My goodness these people are stupid. Go look for it. Come to see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I?m being oppressed!,? said another. Hundreds of similar replies followed.See the Reddit joke read on Fox News, the original scene from ?Monty Python and the Holy Grail,? and some of the bemused reactions from Twitter users below.WATCH: Our own @shelbytalcott appeared on @marthamaccallum to talk about her experience reporting from Seattle's autonomous zone. Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 13, 2020Help! I?m being repressed! JoAnne Space Cadet (@rebellegrrl) June 13, 2020Fox News fell for a Monty Python joke on Reddit lmao Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) June 13, 2020Fox News quotes a post from Reddit, quoting Monty Python, then the Daily Caller tweets the Fox video. My goodness these people are stupid. Go look for it. Come to see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I?m being oppressed!? Skip Gienapp ???????? (@skipgienapp) June 13, 2020Simply fantastic. Watch Fox News get played by a Monty Python gag. Erik Childress (@EriktheMovieman) June 13, 2020Guys ? this is hilarious. Fox News got punked w/ a quote from Monty Python's the Holy Grail. This may be the best thing I've seen today. ??l ? s? ??? ??? ???? (@TypingLiterally) June 13, 2020Read original story Fox News Mocked After Mistaking Monty Python Joke for Seattle Protest Infighting (Video) At TheWrap

Views: 109

Poem of the day

Days I Enjoy
by Vita Sackville-West (1892-1962)

Days I enjoy are days when nothing happens,
When I have no engagements written on my block,
When no one comes to disturb my inward peace,
When no one comes to take me away from myself
And turn me into a patchwork, a jig-saw puzzle,
A broken mirror that once gave a whole reflection,
Being so contrived that it takes too long a time
To get myself back to myself when they have gone.
The years are too strickly measured, and life too short
For me to afford such bits of myself to my friends.
And what have I to give my friends in the last resort?
An awkwardness, a shyness, and a scrap,
No thing that’s truly me, a bootless waste,
A waste of myself and them, for my life is mine
And theirs presumably theirs, and cannot touch.

Views: 37

“Fear is a business strategy—it keeps people watching.”

Fox News as the state news channel: “As the President has been beset by scandals, congressional hearings, and even talk of impeachment, Fox has been both his shield and his sword. The White House and Fox interact so seamlessly that it can be hard to determine, during a particular news cycle, which one is following the other’s lead.”

I had not realized that Fox retired the motto “Fair and Balanced” in 2017. A good thing.

Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda?

Views: 53