Game of the week

Views: 52

Game of the week

Views: 38

Game of the week

A tense struggle. Naturally, the machine prefers White’s extra exchange but I suspect that a lot of humans would feel more comfortable with Black’s position in a real flesh-and-blood game with the clocks ticking. It’s not surprising that Black was the one who prevailed (with a number of missteps on both sides, presumably due to time pressure).

Views: 32

Game of the week

Views: 40

Game of the week

Normally, I try to present little-known grandmaster games here (by little-known, I mean not in ChessBase’s MegaBase). But since Ruth Haring died earlier in the week, I decided to present one of her little-known games. RIP.

Views: 36

Game of the week

Views: 70

Game of the week

Views: 111

Game of the week

A fine game but included largely for the schadenfreude of watching a spammer get what he deserves. And, once again, my apologies for being a day late in posting this.

Views: 25

Game of the week

Sometimes grandmasters fall to mere masters.

Views: 32

Game of the week

(Once again, I have failed to post this feature on Sunday as planned. This time, however, I have an excuse in the form of David Anthony Huntington, who was born on October 25, 2018 and had deprived me of much sleep. But it’s okay. He’s adorable.)

This week’s game features two grandmasters fighting it out in something called “pre-chess.” This is similar to Chess960 or FischerRandom except that it’s not random. The players begin with an empty back rank and the first eight moves are spent with each player putting a piece down on a back-rank square each move (bishops must be placed on opposite colored squares). So, unlike the other variants, the positions are not symmetrical (usually). Then regular play begins on move 9.

In this game, Benko outmaneuvers Bisguier to reach a superior endgame, only to hang a piece and have to resign.

Views: 54