Biden may (or may not) be losing ground with minorities

From the New Republic: “A closer examination of the polling indicates Biden is not in as much trouble with minority voters as the Trump campaign believes (or at least would have the public believe). The president indeed suffers from a dearth of enthusiasm from a cranky electorate, but that’s an across-the-board problem. It’s not particular to Black and Hispanic voters. And if historical trends hold, Biden has a solid chance of bringing those traditional Democratic voters back home come November.”

Yes, the president has work to do with Black and Hispanic voters, but no, they?re not flocking to Donald Trump.

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Trump is worst President ever

That’s obvious but why does everyone rag on William Henry Harrison, who did absolutely nothing wrong (other than deliver a two-hour inaugural address without an overcoat)?

This Presidents Day, Trumpism is affecting assessments of Obama, Reagan and others. Today's politics have also diminished the likes of Jackson and Wilson.

Views: 2

Which prosecutor is the better chess player?

According to the NYT, federal special prosecutor Jack Smith and Georgia state prosecutor Fani Willis are employing two very different strategies in their cases against TFG:

“The two approaches — one [Smith’s] streamlined, built with concision and speed in mind, the other [Willis’s] more comprehensive in seeking accountability but also more complex to try — represent the divergent experiences, temperaments and timetables of the two prosecutors.”

Views: 46