Game of the week June 5, 2022 by Robert Huntington [Site "Bognor Regis 1966"] [White "Michael Basman"] [Black "Victor Ciocaltea"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A48"] [Annotator "ATH"] [PlyCount "43"] [EventDate "1966.??.??"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventRounds "10"] [EventCountry "ENG"] [SourceTitle "StarBase 4.56"] [SourceDate "2004.11.04"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2004.11.04"] [SourceQuality "2"] 1. d4 ({This game was played before Basman's tragic mental breakdown, which led to his continually playing} 1. g4 {and apparently believing that it was a good move.}) 1... Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bg5 Bg7 4. c3 (4. Nc3 $5) 4... h6 (4... d5 $11) 5. Bh4 O-O 6. Nbd2 b6 $5 (6... d6 $11) (6... d5 $11) 7. e3 (7. e4 $5) 7... Bb7 (7... d6 $11) 8. Bd3 c5 (8... d6 $5 9. O-O Nbd7 (9... Re8 $5) 10. Re1 { Abdulla-Md, Dhaka 2017} c5 $11) 9. Bxf6 {Huh? Why? Did he somehow anticipate Black's response?} (9. O-O d6 $11) 9... exf6 $6 {Another huh? Why?} (9... Bxf6 $11) 10. dxc5 bxc5 $2 (10... f5 11. cxb6 Qxb6 12. Be2 $14) 11. Bxg6 $1 fxg6 12. Qb3+ Kh7 (12... d5 13. Qxb7 Qd7 14. Qxa8 Nc6 15. Qxf8+ Bxf8 16. O-O $16 { is a small improvement over the game for Black}) 13. Qxb7 Nc6 $6 (13... Qb6 14. Qd5 (14. Qxa8 Nc6 15. Qxf8 Bxf8 16. O-O-O $16 {isn't quite as good}) 14... Qxb2 15. Rb1 Qxc3 16. Qxa8 Nc6 17. Qb7 Rb8 18. Rb3 Qc1+ 19. Ke2 Qxh1 20. Qxd7 $16) 14. Qb3 (14. O-O-O $1 $18) 14... d5 (14... Rb8 $5 15. Qa3 $16) 15. O-O Ne5 $6 ( 15... f5 16. Qa3 $16) 16. Rad1 Qb6 $2 (16... Rb8 17. Qc2 $16) 17. Nxe5 fxe5 18. Qxd5 Qxb2 (18... Rfd8 19. Qb3 $18 {offers ever so slightly more resistance}) 19. Ne4 (19. Rb1 $18 {is slightly stronger}) 19... Qa3 (19... Kh8 {is a small and irrelevant improvement}) 20. Qc4 Rad8 21. h3 (21. Rxd8 Rxd8 22. Rb1 $18 { is a bit stronger}) 21... Qa5 22. a4 {My source ends here. It's seem premature to resign and early to lose on time but Black is quite lost. Stockfish rates the position as +4.09 after 39 ply..} 1-0 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts Views: 37