Game of the week September 26, 2021 by Robert Huntington [Event "Collins Kids Scholastic 1985-86"] [Site "New York, NY"] [White "Ilya Gurevich"] [Black "Michael Adams"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B12"] [Annotator "ATH"] [PlyCount "67"] [EventDate "1985.12.??"] [EventType "match"] [EventRounds "6"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceTitle "CL, Apr 1986"] [SourceDate "2020.06.17"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2020.06.17"] [SourceQuality "1"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nc3 (4. Nf3 {is more popular (and stronger according to Stockfish)}) 4... h5 $5 (4... e6 {is the main line (and best move) here}) 5. Be2 ({The most popular move here is} 5. Bd3 {, e.g.,} Bxd3 6. Qxd3 e6 7. Nf3 Nh6 8. Bxh6 Rxh6 9. Ne2 $14) ({while the best move (as always, accordiing to Stockfish) is} 5. Bg5 {, e.g.,} f6 6. Bc1 $1 $14 (6. Bf4 g5 $11 { Sulskis-Akesson, Barcelona 2007})) 5... e6 6. Bxh5 $6 (6. Nf3 Be7 $11) 6... c5 7. Be2 $6 (7. Bg4 $1 cxd4 8. Bxf5 dxc3 $11) 7... Nc6 (7... cxd4 8. Nb5 Be4 9. f3 Bg6 $11 {Nunn-Seirawan, Toluca 1982}) 8. Nf3 Nge7 (8... Bg4 $1 $15) 9. Bg5 $6 (9. dxc5 a6 10. O-O Ng6 11. Bd3 Bxd3 12. cxd3 Nh4 13. Bf4 Nxf3+ 14. Qxf3 Bxc5 15. Ne2 $14) 9... Qb6 $2 (9... a6 10. dxc5 d4 $11) 10. dxc5 Qxb2 $6 (10... Qa5 11. Bd2 Qxc5 12. Nb5 $16) 11. Nb5 Kd7 $6 (11... Bxc2 12. Qc1 Qxc1+ 13. Rxc1 $16) 12. O-O $6 (12. Rc1 Be4 13. c4 $18) 12... Nxe5 $2 (12... Qxc2 13. Nd6 $16) 13. Nbd4 (13. Nfd4 $1 $18 {is even stronger}) 13... Nxf3+ 14. Bxf3 Nc6 15. Nxf5 Qe5 16. h4 Qxf5 (16... Bxc5 17. Rb1 $18 {is somewhat better (but still pretty hopeless) for Black}) 17. Bg4 $2 {Throws away most of White's advantage} (17. c4 Bxc5 18. cxd5 Nd4 19. dxe6+ fxe6 20. Rc1 $18 {and Black is not long for this world}) 17... Qe4 18. Re1 Qd4 19. Qe2 $2 {Throws away most of his remaining advantage} (19. Qf3 Ne5 20. Qb3 $18) 19... Kc7 $2 (19... Qe4 20. Qxe4 dxe4 21. Rad1+ Ke8 22. Rxe4 Bxc5 23. Bf3 $14) 20. Qf3 (20. c4 $1 $18) 20... f5 21. Bh3 $2 (21. Qg3+ $18) 21... Re8 (21... Qxc5 22. Bf4+ $16) 22. Rad1 $6 (22. Bf4+ e5 23. Rad1 Qc4 (23... Qxc5 24. Rxd5 $18) 24. Rxd5 Bxc5 25. Rdxe5 Rxe5 26. Bxe5+ Nxe5 27. Rxe5 $18) 22... Qxc5 23. Rxd5 Qxc2 $2 (23... Qxd5 24. Qxd5 exd5 25. Rxe8 $18) 24. Bxf5 exd5 25. Rxe8 Qxa2 26. Qc3 $6 {The slow method} (26. Bd3 $1 $18 {is the quick method}) 26... d4 $2 {But Black prefers to go quickly into that good night} (26... Bc5 27. Qg3+ {would prolong the game}) 27. Rc8+ ( 27. Bd8+ {is even quicker}) 27... Kb6 28. Bd8+ Kb5 29. Bd3+ Ka4 30. Qc1 (30. Bc2+ $1) 30... Bd6 $2 (30... Ba3 31. Bc2+ $18 {is irrelevantly better}) 31. Rxc6 Rxd8 ({as is} 31... bxc6 32. Qxc6+ Kb4 33. Qxd6+ $18) 32. Rc4+ (32. Rc2 $1 ) 32... Bb4 33. Rc2 Qa3 (33... Qb3 34. Bc4) 34. Qd1 1-0 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts Views: 33