Game of the week April 18, 2021 by Robert Huntington [Event "1998 Continental Open"] [Site "Los Angeles, CA"] [Round "?"] [White "Alexander Shabalov"] [Black "Suat Atalik"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C30"] [BlackElo "2585"] [Annotator "ATH"] [PlyCount "53"] [EventDate "1998.07.??"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventRounds "7"] [EventCountry "USA"] [SourceTitle "CL, Oct 1998"] [SourceDate "2018.03.07"] [SourceVersionDate "2018.03.07"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. d3 Bc5 5. f4 d6 6. Nf3 a6 7. f5 h6 (7... b5 8. Bb3 Na5 9. Bg5 Bb7 $11) 8. a3 (8. Nd5 $5 Na5 9. b4 Nxd5 10. bxc5 Nf6 11. Bb3 O-O $11) 8... b5 9. Ba2 Bb7 (9... Nd4 $5) 10. Bd2 (10. Nd5 Nd4 11. Nxd4 Bxd4 $11 {Huerga Leache-Fernandez Romero, Azuqueca de Henares 2013}) 10... Nd4 11. Nxd4 exd4 $6 (11... Bxd4 12. Qf3 Qd7 $11) 12. Nd5 Nxd5 13. Bxd5 Bxd5 14. exd5 Qh4+ (14... Qe7+ $5) 15. g3 Qh3 (15... Qe7+ 16. Kf2 $14 {is slightly better}) 16. Qf3 Kd7 (16... O-O-O $1 17. O-O-O $14) 17. O-O-O Rae8 18. f6 $6 (18. b4 $16 ) 18... g6 19. Rde1 (19. Rhf1 $5) 19... h5 $2 (19... Re5 20. Bf4 Ree8 21. b4 Bb6 22. Rhf1 $14) 20. Re7+ Rxe7 21. fxe7 Ke8 $6 (21... Kxe7 $2 22. Re1+ Kf8 23. Qf6 $18) (21... Qf5 22. Qxf5+ gxf5 23. b4 Bb6 24. Bg5 $18) 22. b4 Bb6 23. Qf6 Rh7 24. Rf1 $6 ({The immediate} 24. Bg5 $18 {is the quick method}) 24... Qxh2 25. Bg5 (25. Qf3 $5) 25... Qe2 (25... Qxg3 $2 26. Qxg6 $1 Qe1+ (26... fxg6 $2 27. Rf8+ Kd7 28. e8=Q#) 27. Kb2 Qc3+ 28. Kb1 Qe1+ 29. Ka2 Qxe7 30. Qg8+ Kd7 31. Bxe7 $18 {with a quick mate to follow}) 26. Kb2 Kd7 27. Rf4 (27. Rf5 $1 a5 ( 27... gxf5 $2 28. Qxf5+ $18) 28. Bh4 axb4 29. Rxh5 $1 Rxh5 (29... gxh5 30. Qf5+ $18) 30. Qxf7 bxa3+ 31. Kxa3 Kc8 32. e8=R+ $18 {is a cute line as is}) (27. Qxf7 $6 Rxf7 28. Rxf7 $18) ({I can't help wondering if Black on time. Even though he's completely lost after} 27. Rf4 Qe1 28. Rf2 (28. Rf5 $1 {wins as in the last note but if White didn't see it then, maybe he wouldn't see it now. At least, Black could hold off resignation to find out.}) 28... Qc3+ 29. Ka2 $18 {, he might have played on for a few more moves.}) 1-0 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts Views: 66