Game of the week July 28, 2019July 28, 2019 by Robert Huntington Lyudmila Rudenko was Women’s World Champion from 1950 to 1953. Yesterday would have been her 115th birthday. [Event "1953 Soviet Championship Quarterfinal"] [White "Lyudmila Rudenko"] [Black "Aron Reshko"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E59"] [Annotator "ATH"] [PlyCount "81"] [EventDate "1953.??.??"] [SourceTitle "StarBase 4.56"] [SourceDate "2004.11.04"] [SourceVersion "1"] [SourceVersionDate "2004.11.04"] [SourceQuality "2"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Bd3 d5 6. Nf3 c5 7. O-O Nc6 8. a3 Bxc3 9. bxc3 dxc4 10. Bxc4 Qc7 11. Bb2 (11. Bd3 {is the main line nowadays}) 11... b6 $6 ({Theory recommends} 11... e5 $11) 12. Qe2 Bb7 13. Ba2 Ng4 $6 ( 13... Na5 14. Ne5 Rac8 15. Rac1 (15. c4 $1) 15... Nd7 $11 {Shabalov-Safarli, London 2016}) 14. Rfd1 (14. e4 $14) 14... Ne7 $6 (14... Na5 $11) 15. h3 (15. e4 $14) 15... Nf6 16. Rac1 Ng6 17. c4 $146 (17. Bb1 Qc6 {Salo-Sorsa, Finnland 2001 } 18. Qf1 $11) 17... Rfe8 ({Both} 17... cxd4 18. exd4 Qf4) ({and} 17... Rad8 { are equal}) 18. Bb1 (18. d5 $5) 18... Qc6 (18... Rad8 $11) 19. Ne1 (19. dxc5 Qxc5 20. Bxg6 hxg6 21. Ne5 Qc7 $11) 19... Rac8 (19... cxd4 $5) 20. dxc5 Qxc5 21. Nd3 Qc6 22. f3 Nd7 23. Nf2 (23. Qf2 Nc5 24. Nxc5 Qxc5 25. Rd7 Re7 $11) 23... Nde5 $4 (23... Nc5 $11) 24. Be4 Qc7 25. Bxb7 Qxb7 26. Ne4 Qc6 (26... Qc7 {is slightly better}) 27. Nd6 Red8 28. Nxc8 Rxc8 29. Rd4 $6 (29. Qd2 Qc5 30. a4 Nc6 31. Kh2 Nge7 32. Qc3 Qg5 33. f4 {is stronger}) 29... h6 30. f4 (30. Qd1 $1) 30... Nd7 31. Qf3 $6 (31. Rcd1 $18) 31... Qc7 32. Rcd1 Nc5 33. Qh5 $2 (33. Qg4 $18) 33... Kh7 $2 (33... Qe7 $1 $16) 34. f5 $1 exf5 35. Qxf5 Re8 36. h4 $2 (36. Rd7 $1 Nxd7 37. Rxd7 Qg3 38. Bd4 Rxe3 (38... Rf8 39. Rxa7 $18) 39. Bxe3 Qxe3+ 40. Kh2 Qxa3 41. Qxf7 $18) 36... Kh8 $2 (36... Qe7 37. Re1 Qe5 38. Qxe5 Nxe5 39. Red1 $16) 37. h5 (37. Rf1 {is even stronger but the text suffices}) 37... Nf8 38. Rg4 $6 (38. Qf4 $1 Qxf4 39. exf4 Nfe6 40. Rd5 Kh7 (40... Nxf4 41. Rd8 Rxd8 42. Rxd8+ Kh7 43. Rf8 Ncd3 44. Ba1 f6 45. Rf7 $18) 41. f5 Nf4 42. Re5 $18) 38... Nfe6 39. Bd4 $6 (39. a4 $1 a5 (39... Nxa4 $2 40. Rd7 $1 Qxd7 $2 41. Bxg7+ ) 40. Bxg7+ $1 Nxg7 41. Qf6 Qe5 42. Qxh6+ Kg8 43. Rd5 $18) 39... Qc6 $2 (39... Qe7 $1 40. Rf1 $16) 40. Qf1 (40. Qxf7 {leads to mate}) 40... Qc7 {My source gives} 41. Qf6 {1-0, which obviously isn't what happened.} ({Presumably} 41. Bf6 {was the move played, whereupon upon Stockfish gives as one possibility} Rc8 42. Bh4 Nf8 43. Qf4 $18 {and presumably White did in fact win.}) (41. Bxg7+ $1 Nxg7 42. Qf6 Qe5 43. Qxh6+ {is even quicker}) 1-0 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard; alternatively your wordpress theme might suppress the html iframe tag from articles or excerpts Views: 51