Covid deaths 3 times higher than official toll

From NBC News: “The number of people worldwide who died because of the pandemic in its first two years may total more than 18 million, according to a sobering study released Thursday. That’s three times more than the reported global death toll from Covid-19, which crossed 6 million earlier this week.

“The research, published in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet, analyzed data from 74 countries and 266 states and territories between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2021. The scientists calculated excess deaths, a measure of how many more people died than would be expected had the pandemic not occurred. That means the estimate accounts both for people killed by Covid directly — confirmed and undiagnosed cases — as well as those whose deaths may be indirectly attributed to the pandemic.

“Examples in the latter category include people with serious medical conditions who were unable to seek timely care because hospitals were overburdened, people who died by suicide, and those who died due to a lack of access to essential services.”

Views: 26

How much of a difference will this make?

One of the main talking points among the antivax crowd is that the vaccines were “experimental” and not fully approved by the FDA. Now they are (Pfizer and Moderna, not J&J). Somehow, I don’t see these folks rushing out to get the jab. After all, the FDA is part of the deep state and you can’t trust Dr. Fauci or anyone else in the government. It’s all about control, not science.

The company is the second vaccine maker to get full FDA approval for a COVID-19 vaccine.

Views: 43

Vaccine and votes by county in Georgia

I managed to get into a debate on Facebook with a bunch of right-wingers on vaccination. I accidentally let it get dragged into the rabbit hole of whether red states have lower vaccination rates than blue states. One of the posters claimed that he “just did a quick check here in Ga and the counties Biden won by the most are pretty much identical to the ones he lost by the most.” I could not let this pass so I laboriously entered the vaccination rate by county and the percentage that voted for Trump in 2020 into a spread sheet and produced a scatter graph. As you can see, it has a definite downward slope, showing that the lower the percentage of vaccinated persons in a country, the higher the percentage of people who voted for Trump.

Views: 46