Poem of the day

Going and Coming
by Damon Runyon (1880-1946)

When we went to Marishoa, warn’t we feelin’ gay,
Slippin’ ’long th’ dusty road an’ singin’ on th’ way;
When we went to Marishoa, warn’t we feelin’ fine —
Eighty hoss, two hundred foot an’ field guns in th’ line:
               (Marishoa is up a hill —
               Marishoa is up there still — )
’Ray! We went to Marishoa feelin’ pretty fine!

When we came from Marishoa, bringin’ o’ our dead,
Heads hangin’ heavy an’ our hearts as chunks o’ lead;
When we come from Marishoa, not a song wuz heard —
Not a smilin’ face we brought, not a cheerin’ word —
               (Marishoa is up a hill —
               Marishoa is up there still — )
An’ we left ’em layin’ there with th’ Chaplain’s Word!

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